

Woodlands Campus

Pornography addiction and infidelity have a devastating impact on spousal relationships. Many spouses struggle to heal from the damage of sexual betrayal. Starting (Start date TBD), the counseling ministry will be hosting a weekly group for women who have experienced this deep hurt. The group will meet for 12 weeks to study Shelle Martinkus’s workbook Rescued, which takes women on a journey to help them understand how the trauma of betrayal is affecting them and their relationships, and how healing is possible. Online group options are available upon inquiry.



Woodlands Campus

Restoration is a ministry to help people overcome life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups through worship, biblically-balanced teaching, personal testimonies and support groups. We start the evening with worship followed by a biblical teaching or testimony. Within Restoration, we offer Celebrate Recovery support groups and step studies as a tool to go deeper in the journey of recovery. Restoration is a safe place to experience freedom and transformation through God’s grace. Contact Restoration at